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The Interview

Interviews can be very formal and structured where most of the questions will be formulated to uncover your past behavioral patterns and will be rather rapid inn pace. On the other hand, they can be informal and conversational such that the pieces of your background will be uncovered in a more random way.

Your initial contact may be with a Human Resources employee who will likely instruct you on how to proceed with your interviewers and provide you with a preview of what to expect. Alternatively, you may meet directly with the hiring manager.

Follow the interviewer’s leads but try to get the interviewer to describe the position and the responsibilities to you early in the interview process. This way, you may be able to apply your background, skills and accomplishments to the position.

Make sure that your good points come across the interviewer in a factual, sincere manner. Stress achievements. For example: sales records, processes developed, savings achieved, systems installed, etc.

If you get the impression that the interview is not going well and that you have already been rejected, do not let your discouragement show. Occasionally, interviewer who is genuinely interested in you may seem to discourage you as a way of testing your reaction.

Avoid discussing salary at the first interview. If pressed, respond: “I would seriously consider any reasonable offer you care to make.”

Make sure you talk about why you are interested in this position and what you can offer the company. The candidate that shows the most enthusiasm for the job, the opportunity and the company is often the one that gets the offer.