• +852 2889 8093
  • contact@takconsulting.com

Basic Preparation

Thorough preparation can make the difference between receiving and not receiving a job offer. Do some research about the company (size, products, annual sales revenue, principal lines of business and locations, etc.) Check their website of find company information at the multiplicity of alternate sources on the web.

Know the exact place and time of the interview, the interviewer’s full name, the correct pronunciation and his or her title. Find out how many people are involved in the interviewing process and who the final decision maker is.

Be prepared to ask questions during the interview. Your questions allow the hiring manager to evaluate your professional and personal needs. Try to focus the questions to understand how you will be able to successfully contribute to the business.

Allow sufficient time for the interview and plan to arrive exactly ten minutes before your actual appointment. Dress appropriately. Keep a positive frame of mind and focus on what you are going to accomplish at the interview. Relax.